Complete Partial Dentures

Dental Treatment

Removable Partial Dentures or Simply Partial Dentures

Full dentures are meant for patients who have lost all of their teeth.

Complete partial dentures are removable dental prosthetics that are designed to replace missing teeth and restore the function and aesthetics of a person’s smile. They are suitable for individuals who have lost multiple teeth but still have some natural teeth remaining in their upper or lower jaw.

A complete partial denture consists of replacement teeth set on a pink or gum-colored acrylic base. The base is custom-made to fit snugly onto the patient’s gums, providing support and stability.

The artificial teeth are carefully crafted to match the patient’s natural teeth in size, shape, and color, ensuring a natural-looking smile.

The denture is held in place by clasps or precision attachments that anchor onto the remaining natural teeth, providing stability and preventing the denture from shifting or falling out during everyday activities like eating and speaking. Complete partial dentures can significantly improve a person’s ability to bite and chew food, restore their speech, and enhance their overall facial appearance.

Proper care and maintenance of complete partial dentures are essential to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Regular cleaning, removal at night for resting the gums, and periodic adjustments by a dental professional are important for maintaining optimal fit and comfort.

Overall, complete partial dentures offer a reliable and affordable solution for individuals with missing teeth, helping them regain their confidence, improve their oral function, and enjoy a natural-looking smile once again.

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engrave your beautiful smile 🙂

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